Friday, November 25, 2011

I´m a Girl!!!

Finally after 20 weeks, a 4D ultrasound and lots of sugar, Mommy and Daddy found out I´m a GIRL!!!

My Mommy and Daddy already had a name for me: Mia!

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Mommy and Baby Bean 15 Weeks!

You are the size of an orange now!

Daddy's update #2 (September)

Hey Little Guy,

"I'm back, baby...I'm back!"  said by Mom, on Friday. September 30th, referring to the 'return on her sense of humor'.  September wasn't such a fun month for Mom and below are some of the highlights and lowlights:
  • We had a scare on the Friday 2nd, of the long Labor Day weekend, which turned out to be a blood clot.  Very scary for us but to see your movement, on the ultrasound in Emergency, made it worthwhile.   Little did we know that we were going to be in the Emergency three, yes 3, more times in the month of September due to one worry after another.  There are a number of people who work in Emergency who are very excited to meet you :)
  • Really the only upside to all of the Emergency and doctor visits was watching your growth through ultra sound.  Mom has posted some great favorite was you giving Val the peace sign...or the "Mom, everything is going to be OK sign."
  • Poor Val -- her flawless complexion now occasionally has some pimples.  According to Val it is the first time that she has blemishes on her face.  She still looks beautiful though!
  • Your Mom also has a great sense of humor --> I purchased some small lollypops which would color your tongue...especially the blueberry ones which, of course, Mom loves.  After one of her bad nausea spells Mom says in a deadpan voice, "I've never had blue vomit before...".  Very, very funny!
  • A "Thank you!" to you is in order as, like in the Grinch who Stole Christmas, Mom's heart has grown threefold since you've been around.  Mom used to be able to watch the saddest of movies without her eyes even getting moist.  Now, every Sunday on Extreme Makeover (TV show where a less fortunate family receives a new custom built house) Mom cries and cries out of love.  Finally, Mom has a heart! She even cries on lost doggies commercials!
  • Grandma Tuli and Auntie Mombo went on a shopping spree for you no less than in Argentina!  I think you will have more clothes than me by the time you are born.  So, better start practicing your penmanship in there as you have many thank you letters to write.  See pics below!
Ttyl (you'll learn this later)


"Which style is best" competition!



Thursday, September 15, 2011

If I´m a boy my name will be Noah!

Mommy dreamt with Noah´s story when she was worried about me being ok. But God sent her a message through Noah´s story. No matter how scary it gets, when you have faith, you´ll always see a rainbow after a big storm. 

I love listening to Noah´s story before going to bed now! 
Noah´s Ark

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Baby Bean 9 weeks old!

Here is my latest picture! My daddy scanned it upside down so you can see me better!!! :)

I love bouncing around!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2011

Daddy's update #1

Hey Little Guy,

First off I’m writing “Little Guy” as Mom thinks you’re a guy because of the morning sickness she is going through….we guys are sometimes hard to get along with ;)  One bummer for you is Mom has lost the taste for spaghetti sauce so you’ll have to get used to pasta without red sauce for a bit.

Second, I want update you on some of the fun you’ve had with us.  During your first few weeks of your life we were down south camping (first time for Val), visited Sea World and other sights in San Diego, enjoyed Hollywood, and relaxed on the beach in Malibu.

This month, August, has been the opposite with Mom not feeling that well.  Here she is resting in one of her more humorous positions.

However, at the beginning of the month we were able to volunteer at TouchDown Camp….a camp for at-risk youth.   We ended up taking care of some of the “trouble makers” who really weren’t trouble makers but kids who don’t get much attention at home.  A little love goes a long way with these kids.  Here is Mom with a few of them.

Lastly, the Dr. said it appears you like swimming (see pic below) but I think you are just getting ready for surfing….when we surf big waves and are held underwater our arms go flying everywhere ☺

Looking forward to hanging out with you buddy…whether you are a guy or gal ☺

Love, Daddy!!!


Esperando Nacer. De Mami para su Bean!

Hoy todo puedo sentir
puedo reir,
no se ni pensar ni hablar
mas soy feliz,
no tengo frio ni calor
todo va bien y creciendo estoy
no tengo hambre ni precupación 
y siento un gran amor 
y de esta divinidad 
tendré que partir 
mi padre y mi madre están esperandome 
tienen ideas para mí
que yo quisiera todas compartir 
más hoy presiento que estaría bien 
que me quedara aquí. 

Será un ingeniero dice el abuelo, 
un gran arquitecto sería perfecto, 
y si es un artista que horror un bohemio, 
mejor una niña que cumpla mis sueños, 
que siga la huella de Jesús nazare no no mejor empresario será millonario, 
un doctor famoso un físico loco 
y yo solo quiero aprender a respirar. 

Y ahora que la hora llega, 
la de partir a todos los que me esperan 
voy a decir quiero reir, cantar, jugar, 
sentir el mar y también llorar,                                                                                                 
por eso siento que estaría bien 
que me quedara aquí 
Será un ingeniero dice el abuelo, 
un gran arquitecto sería perfecto, 
y si es un artista que horror un bohemio, 
mejor una niña que cumpla mis sueños, 
que siga la huella de Jesús nazare no no mejor empresario sera millonario, 
un doctor famoso un físico loco 
y yo solo quiero aprender a respirar 
y yo solo quiero aprender a respirar 
quiero reir, cantar, jugar.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Look at how fast I´m growing!

Bean 5 Weeks Old

Bean 7 Weeks Old

Bean 8 Weeks Old

(The Doctor said I will be a swimmer!!)

Friday, August 26, 2011

Mi tía Mel me llama "el Melón"

Meloncito... ya era hora que llegaras al mundo. No sabes las ganas que tengo de verte, de conocerte y escucharte! Y tu mami y tu papi están tan felices por tu llegada que estoy segura que te van a querer muchísimo.
Por mi parte, estoy muy orgullosa de tenerte como mi Melón, te voy a malcriar mucho pero te voy a enseñar muchas cosas lindas y divertidas!
Y te quiero hacer una lista que algún día llegarás a aprender, aunque no siempre te será fácil...
- Pórtate bien, se bueno con tus papis, ellos van a saber aconsejarte y siempre será por tu bien...
- Escúchalos, entiéndelos, quiérelos. Ellos te dieron la vida.
- A veces no vas a entender la vida o lo que pasa a tu alrededor, pero créeme que todo pasa por algo.
- Acuérdate que siempre siempre vas a contar conmigo, no importa cuándo, solo recuerda que estaré un paso más atrás para sujetarte si te caes. Eso te lo prometo.
- Toda travesura (bien intencionada) merece la pena el castigo! Confía en lo que te digo, been there, done that!
- Aprovecha todos y cada uno de tus días, no corras demasiado, pero tampoco te aletargues! La vida es una y el hoy es el regalo más grande que te han podido dar tus papis.
- Engríete, pero también engríe a aquellos que te quieren! No hay nada más lindo que ver una sonrisa en la cara de tus seres queridos!
- Abrígate, algún día cantarás con tu abuelito, con tu mami y conmigo! Y necesitamos tu vocecita fuerte y sana! Aunque al principio sonará más como la voz de un chipmunk (y prometo enseñarte quienes eran los chipmunks!)
- No hagas caso a la música de tu mami. Te prometo enseñarte quienes son Queen, Jimi Hendrix, Nirvana, Metallica y demás...
... me podría pasar la vida aquí, pero creo que lo más importante que te puedo decir es que tienes una tía que te adora desde ya... un viernes de agosto a las 6:50pm, en tus ocho semanas de vida.

A Message from the Peanut

Although you cannot see me I’m growing by leaps and bounds
I can’t wait to make my appearance and all my social rounds

Mommy’s doing good, did you know I can sense her smile?
I can’t wait to lie in her arms and gaze at her for a while.

I’m so excited to see my daddy; he talks to me each night
With his head on mommy’s belly it surely is a sweet sight.

My heart is beating strongly and it seems I have fingers too
I understand these will come in handy for finger paint and glue.

Mommy, I know you cannot hold me or give me a kiss good night
But you feel me move inside you and should know that I’m all right.

So until my big arrival you have very much to do…
Paint my room, get clothes, toys and plenty of those diaper things

I’m just going to finish growing so I will make you proud
Till then I'm your little angel just hanging out on heavens cloud

Mom and Dad

To our unborn child, 
what we wish to give you in times to come, 

happiness, and wisdom, 
a life filled with fun, 
to explore all adventures of your curious mind!